Saturday, December 28, 2019

Planilla N-400 para ciudadanía por naturalización

Se puede adquirir la ciudadanà ­a de los Estados Unidos de varias formas, entre ellas la naturalizacià ³n. El formulario N-400 es el indicado para iniciar estos trà ¡mites. Este artà ­culo te guà ­a de manera sencilla para que puedas completar sin problemas la planilla N-400 y puedas jurar como ciudadano en aproximadamente 6 meses desde la fecha de inicio de todo el proceso. Quià ©n puede naturalizarse y asà ­ convertirse en estadounidense Los residentes permanentes legales pueden adquirir la nacionalidad americana por naturalizacià ³n. Si bien tienen que pasar un nà ºmero de aà ±os como titulares de la tarjeta de residencia (green card) antes de poder aplicar. El  tiempo de espera  varà ­a segà ºn cà ³mo se consiguià ³ la green card. Aunque hay varios supuestos y excepciones la regla general es que los esposos de ciudadanos deben esperar 3 aà ±os, mientras que el el resto de los residentes deben esperar 5 aà ±os. Extensià ³n de la planilla para pedir la ciudadanà ­a y quà © te vas a encontrar En cuanto a la extensià ³n de N-400,  tiene exactamente 21 pà ¡ginas.   A tal fin, se hace una serie de preguntas divididas en 17 partes: Parte 1: elegibilidad.   Parte 2: Informacià ³n sobre ti (nombre, Nà ºmero del Seguro Social, fecha de nacimiento, solicitud de acomodacià ³n especial para la entrevista, peticià ³n de que se aplique una excepcià ³n para no presentar el examen de inglà ©s y/o cà ­vico, etc). Parte 3: Informacià ³n de contacto: telà ©fonos y cuenta de correo electrà ³nico. Parte 4: Datos sobre dà ³nde has vivido en los à ºltimos cinco aà ±os. Parte 5: Informacià ³n sobre tus padres. Parte 6: Con el objeto de poder identificarte fà ­sicamente al verificar un posible expediente delictivo, Inmigracià ³n te pide que le informes sobre ciertos datos personales: altura, color de cabello y ojos, grupo à ©tnico, raza y gà ©nero. Parte 7: Informacià ³n sobre las escuelas o universidades a las que has atendido en los à ºltimos cinco aà ±os y tus empleos en ese mismo periodo de tiempo. Parte 8: Descripcià ³n detallada de los viajes que has hecho fuera de Estados Unidos que han durado mà ¡s de 24 horas y que has realizado en los à ºltimos cinco aà ±os. Esta informacià ³n es muy importante ya que los residentes permanentes tienen limitado el tiempo que pueden pasar fuera de EEUU. Si lo sobrepasan pueden perder su condicià ³n de residentes y, consecuentemente, no podrà ­an aplicar por la ciudadanà ­a. Parte 9: Inmigracià ³n tambià ©n quiere saber con quià ©n està ¡s casado/a y con quià ©n lo has estado en el pasado. Es decir, la historia de tus matrimonios, divorcios, separaciones o estado  de viudedad.   Parte 10: Inmigracià ³n tambià ©n quiere saber toda la informacià ³n relevante sobre tus hijos: biolà ³gicos, adoptados legalmente (no simplemente de crianza) o hijastros. No importa la edad, si viven en EEUU o en otro paà ­s, si està ¡n solteros o casados o si son fruto de un matrimonio o de una relacià ³n extramatrimonial o anteriores al casamiento. En otras palabras, hay que incluir los datos de todos los hijos (incluidos los fallecidos). Parte 11: Informacià ³n adicional. Mà ¡s sobre esta parte, casi al final del artà ­culo, porque merece una explicacià ³n amplia. Parte 12: Tienes que firmar. En casos excepcionales de incapacidad fà ­sica o psà ­quica podrà ¡ hacerlo un representante, que deberà ¡ firmar primero con el nombre del representado y luego con el suyo propio, aà ±adiendo la aclaracià ³n designated representative. Esta persona NO es la preparadora que ayuda a llenar este formulario, si es que se precisa. Parte 13: Si tà º aplicas, pero es  tu esposa/o, primo, amigo, abogado, contable, etc, quien llena por ti este formulario, entonces deberà ¡ completar esta parte. Parte 14: Si tus conocimientos del inglà ©s son limitados y necesita que alguien te traduzca el documento, entonces tà º y la persona que te hace de intà ©rprete tienen que completar esta parte. Parte 15: Dà ©jala en blanco en el momento de llenar el formulario. Tendrà ¡s que firmar pero lo harà ¡s en el momento de la entrevista cuando el oficial de inmigracià ³n te diga que tienes que hacerlo .No antes. Parte 16: en el poco probable caso de que seas un prà ­ncipe, condesa, marquesa o conde de otro paà ­s o tengas otro tà ­tulo nobiliario, deberà ¡s renunciar a à ©l. Parte 17: Esta parte dà ©jala en blanco cuando llenes el formulario. Se trata de la parte de Juramento de lealtad a los Estados Unidos y se llenarà ¡ delante del oficial de inmigracià ³n en la entrevista. Explicacià ³n con mayor detalle de la parte 11   Se hacen muchas preguntas donde hay que contestar Sà ­ o No. Algunas ya existen en el formulario actual. Pero se incluyen muchas nuevas, mà ¡s especà ­ficas.  Se trata de determinar tu carà ¡cter moral y si eres un peligro para la seguridad. Hay preguntas de todo tipo, desde si has votado alguna vez en EEUU o te has declarado ciudadano sin serlo a si has pertenecido a la policà ­a o al ejà ©rcito de cualquier paà ­s, si has militado o colaborado directamente con un partido comunista o uno totalitario. Si has formado parte de un grupo vigilante, guerrillas, paramilitares, etc. Tambià ©n quieren saber si has sido arrestado o condenado por un delito o falta. Incluso si has colaborado en grado de tentativa en un delito del que ni siquiera has sido arrestado. Es muy importante entender cà ³mo contestar en caso de tener un rà ©cord sellado. Asimismo, Inmigracià ³n quieres saber si alguna vez has sido ingresado en un hospital mental o institucià ³n similar, si has tenido un problema grave con el alcohol, si consumes droga, si te dedicaste a la prostitucià ³n, si has ayudado a cruzar ilegalmente la frontera a un extranjero o si no has pagado una pensià ³n alimenticia, cuando estabas obligado a ello. La lista es muy larga y hay que contestar honestamente. Si crees que alguna respuesta te puede acarrear problemas o se te pasa por la cabeza la idea de mentir, entonces este es el momento de parar de llenar el formulario y buscar ayuda legal. Un abogado de inmigracià ³n es el à ºnico que puede proporcionar asesorà ­a legal para tu caso en concreto. Aquà ­ puedes acceder a una base de datos para buscar por tu localidad. Pero puedes tambià ©n pedir consejo a una organizacià ³n acreditada de ayuda a inmigrantes para que te refieran a un abogado de confianza. Detalles de seguridad del formulario N-400   Desde hace unos aà ±os esta planilla incluye un  cà ³digo de barras en 2D. Esto hace que segà ºn se va cubriendo el formulario en la computadora y se pasa de pà ¡gina, la informacià ³n se codifica.   Despuà ©s imprimes el formulario, lo firmas y lo envà ­as al USCIS. Al llegar a las oficinas de inmigracià ³n un escà ¡ner podrà ¡ descodificar rà ¡pidamente la informacià ³n y à ©sta  se incorpora  a su sistema de computacià ³n. Entre las ventajas del nuevo sistema destacan: Reduce tiempo y cantidad de trabajo para incorporar al sistema de computadoras de Inmigracià ³n la informacià ³n que contienen  las solicitudes.Evita errores de transcripcià ³n.De una manera muy rà ¡pida se puede compartir informacià ³n entre las agencias del gobierno que requieran acceso  ¿Cuà ¡les son los puntos bà ¡sicos con los que te tienes que quedar? El USCIS sà ³lo admite una  planilla actualizada que puedes obtener en ese enlace. Mentir en un formulario de inmigracià ³n para obtener un beneficio es un fraude de ley, lo que podrà ­a dar lugar a muchos problemas. En caso de dudas, lo mejor es aconsejarse con un abogado o con una organizacià ³n reputada de asistencia a migrantes. Despuà ©s de enviar el formulario con el pago correspondiente, recibirà ¡s una cita para presentarte en una oficina para que te tomen datos biomà ©tricos como huellas digitales y fotos. Posteriormente, debes pasar un examen de conocimientos cà ­vicos, histà ³ricos y de inglà ©s. Diversas organizaciones en todo EE.UU. brindan ayuda gratuita para tomar clases para preparar el examen de ciudadanà ­a. Si te da miedo el examen de inglà ©s, verifica si puedes  rendir el examen en espaà ±ol. Ademà ¡s, si tienes alguna discapacidad, comprueba si calificas para no rendir el examen o para pedir un acomodo especial. El à ºltimo paso es la jura de lealtad a los Estados Unidos y la adquisicià ³n de la ciudadanà ­a. En ese acto se entrega el certificado de naturalizacià ³n, que asà ­ lo prueba. Entrà ©nate para el examen de ciudadanà ­a con este test de respuestas mà ºltiples Uno de los pasos que implica adquirir la nacionalidad americana por naturalizacià ³n està ¡ tener que pasar un examen de conocimientos cà ­vicos.  Toma este test con preguntas reales para comprobar si està ¡s preparado.   Este artà ­culo no es asesorà ­a legal. Sà ³lo tiene un carà ¡cter informativo.

Friday, December 20, 2019

A Disease Is A Structural Or Functional Disorder - 1845 Words

A disease is a structural or functional disorder in humans that shows a series of specific symptoms. Though it is up for discussion as to when a disease would be considered new, Levin’s et al. (1994, p. 52-60) suggested, â€Å"A disease is recognized as new when its symptoms are distinct from any disease that has come before†. The enquiry into new diseases and how they come about sheds light into the modern human society in whom the disease might penetrate from. Nevertheless the following essay will put forward how humans are not always the hosts to new diseases and in fact may be imbedded from animal species. Also the main factor that has been contributed is the speed of transportation of these new diseases whether it is within boarders or air†¦show more content†¦Furthermore Ebola was a disease of great popularity in the recent year of 2014 where originality erupted in Guinea. Hayes (2009) describes the instability of Zika Virus and where it originated from i n how it was transported between boarders. Lastly SARS disease will be discussed in depth with reference to symptoms and transportation from person to person. The evolution of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) was originated from acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a pandemic disease in which creates unembellished harm of body cellular immunity and promotes decrease resistance to infection. This disease was formally predictable in patients of the United States in 1981 and the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated in 1988 that â€Å"five to ten million people worldwide are infected with AIDS† (Hunt 1989 p. 353-373). However the main catalyst of HIV was derived from the original host of an infectious chimpanzee in West Africa referred to as simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIVs) (Sharp Hahn 2010). The recent article ‘The Evolution of HIV-1 and the Origin of AIDS’ illustrated by Sharp and Hahn (2010) proposes that there is a likelihood of transportation of the disease between chimpanzee to human beings through â€Å"exposure to infected blood and body fluids during the butchery of bush meat†. It was put forward, that after years of observation, it was established that women who were diagnosed SIV-positive had a fertility reduction in regards to the

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Qantas Airways Growth and Operation

Question: Discuss about the Qantas Airways for Growth and Operation. Answer: Introduction: Strategic Management refers to a set of inter-related steps or actions that the management authority of an organization implements to increase the companys performance and production (Hill, Jones and Schilling 2014). If the strategies followed by a company results in superior performance, it is known to have competitive advantage. Successful strategies enable a company to reduce its cost structures, charge low prices, achieve market share and gain more profits than its competitors. This report examines the growth and operating strategies of Qantas Airways Ltd. the number one domestic airline of Australia and a leader in the Asia-Pacific region (Kumudha and Bhunia 2016). The assignment, firstly gives an overview of the above-mentioned airline company and the factors related to its operation and growth. Then it goes on to evaluate the companys strategies and the competitive advantages it has achieved over its rivals. Lastly, the paper examines whether further, more innovative strategies are required in order to maximize the companys performance, and if any, then the required strategies should be implemented to achieve success over its competitors. Company Background: Qantas is one of the ten largest airlines in the world and has been established in the year 1920 ( 2017). Qantas provides extensive domestic services in both Australia and New Zealand, and connects Australia to eighty-one destinations in forty other countries. The Qantas group comprises of five major segments, that is, Qantas Domestic, Qantas International, Jetstar Group Qantas Loyalty and Qantas Freight, generating over 15.8 billion dollar. The group strategy of Qantas is to deliver consistent and sustainable returns to share holders with safety being their first priority always. The company maintains a number of alliances and code share arrangements and a member of the one world global airline led by American Airlines and British Airways and is largest shareholder with eighteen per cent interest ( 2017). Macro and Micro Environment of Qantas: The term macro environment is used to describe the boarder national, regional and international context within which markets operate (Ellis 2016). This helps marketers to identify the main participants in any market; and how the forces of the wider world influence them. For Qantas Airways, the main factors are the socio-cultural, political and technological factors (Miqdadi 2017). In the case of Qantas, political factor plays an important role as it focuses on the domestic market. Most of the decisions taken by Qantas revolve around Australians, as is seen from their slogan, Spirit of Australians. They need to be sure that such initiatives are worthwhile and will not incur any financial losses in the domestic business in the face of competition. Socio-cultural factor is again important since Qantas is only focusing on the domestic market and they need to ensure that the aircraft satisfy the basic needs of its passengers by providing them with comfortable seat having decent space in between the rows for the tall Australians. In the case of technological factors, the competitors of Qantas are providing their employees with phone and email connectivity, whereas Qantas refuse to provide on flight entertainment to economy class passengers. Micro environment is made up of the immediate factors related to the particular industries or markets in which the organisation operates (Miqdadi, 2017). They are the organisation itself, existing and potential environment, value chain partners and market intermediaries, customers, competitors and publics. In the case of Qantas, the most important factors the organisation itself and the competitors. Comparing Qantas to British Airways raises the factor of choosing the organisation itself, because at certain point of time both the airways resisted change and lost a part of their market share to budget line subsidiary. This gave them certain satisfaction, leading the core business to remain the same and resist change. Due to the emergence of competitors, Qantas international market share dropped massively and they should focus on the issue to gain competitive advantage and thus remain ahead in the game. Competitive Advantage: Quantas Airways is considered one of the best airline companies in Australia. The Company is subjected to competition from Singapore Airlines and Virgin airlines. It uses its strategies to gain advantage over its competitors (Sollfelner 2016). They had been suffering from increased fuel prices overtime and had a hard time to maintain advantage over its competitors. In order to analyze the competitive advantage of Quantas both internal and external factors of the company has to be considered. The company gains competitive advantage over its rivals through minimizing threats and using opportunities. In order to do so Quantas regularly analyzes the external environment along with generating projections and modifying trends. The company uses a resource-based model in order to analyze costly to substitute, rare, non-substitutable and valuable resources and take strategic decisions in relation to its capabilities along with focus on core competence to develop competitive advantage, which i s sustainable (Frhlich et al. 2016). The company also uses the strategy of acquisition and mergers to gain more value than average for the services provided buy it. The company also ensures competitive advantage over its competitors by operating in high demand locations and markets indicating potential growth. The unique position of the company in the market is not the lone factor for providing sustainable competitive advantage. The company also has a valuable and established position in the industry, which makes the competitors imitate the services provided by the company however the company maintains an upper hand in the industry through cost effective strategies. A company can only maintain a competitive advantage when the production cost of the company is lesser than the market value of its services. Quantas effectively offers lower price for its services as compared to its competitors. Generic Strategies of Quantas: The company uses techniques like differentiation and cost leadership to operate in the industry. It does so by utilizing its unique position and advantage to cover different destinations around the world along with diverse services, which provide for different levels of service (King 2016). The services provided by Quantas are differentiated with respect to traffic in-order to reduce the operational cost of the company. This results in increased profit and revenue for the company along with a sustainable cost reduction and competitive advantage. The company uses all five forces provided by Porter towards its general strategies. The aviation industry faces lot high amount of competition both from domestic as well as international companies (Sarpong). This completion between the companies is mainly based on pricing, discount cycles, service improvements and market campaigns. Quantas in this case uses the strategy of diversification, produces diverse services, and maintain a huge diverse market to gain advantage in the industry (zman 2017). Service users are generally price sensitive and chose company based on the price provided by it with respect to its services. Service users also pay price on the basis of utility and quality of services provided by the company. The aviation industry is subjected primarily to service users who belong to the middle and upper class. They have ample choices when it comes to choosing in which airlines they want to travel. Because of such reasons, the company has chosen to operate with two braches namely Quantas and Jetstar for product differentiation and value respectively. The company however has to be careful so that this strategy does not confuse its service users. The company is highly recognized in the industry, which makes it trustworthy for the suppliers to do business with it. This helps the company to work along with them in order to reduce the operational cost along with preserving the existing margins. The suppliers of the company are dependent on it and therefore they comply with the terms and conditions provided by the company. However, when it comes to assets like jet fuel and construction suppliers hold a great or bargain power over the company. In such situation, Quantas binds the suppliers to contractual obligation for a specified period. Quantas effectively uses its manpower as labor is one of the key assets of the company without which it cannot function properly (Shukla 2016). The aviation industry demands large capital investment form companies who are willing to enter the market. However, there are many existing airlines companies in the industry, which force each other to operate at low margin costs resulting out off price reporting and price competition. The industry is also subjected to volatile prices of jet fuel. This discourages new companies to enter the market. Quantus have further been able to develop a loyalty program with the process of brand development, which helps them bind their customers to the company (Saglietto). The cost leadership and differentiation strategies of Quantas help the company to ensure that the customers are not switching to substitutes like road, rail and sea travel. Company Growth Strategies: The value of corporate strategy is mostly by the fact whether the business under the management is of greater value than if they were managed by a competitor or independently. In its dominant business strategy, Qantas operates with low level of diversification (Milan Pintar E-Portfolio 2017). Almost eighty-four per cent of its revenue generated from its passenger business airlines emphasis on a core set of capabilities and competences to generate above average returns in a single industry market. Through tangible and intangible resources, Qantas derive value neutral benefits (Milan Pintar E-Portfolio 2017). For example, external companies are attracted to its Loyalty products, not only to reach out to the crowd but also for a reputed association with Qantas. There are also several other diversified business line operated by Qantas such as Q-catering, QantasLink, Engineering and its in-flight magazine (UKEssays 2017). In order to increase their stakeholder value, companies pursue mergers and acquisitions; for growth, eliminate competitive threats, market expansion, operational synergies or to diversify (Milan Pintar E-Portfolio 2017). Qantas has included mergers and acquisitions in its organizational strategy over the last twenty years, which has led to an increase in its market power, diversification, vertical expansion, reorganized its competitive scope and expand capabilities. However, when Qantas went into joint ventures with JetSet Travelworld Limited in 2008, it had to incur huge financial losses. Thus, it can be said that these mergers and acquisitions have created very limited gain for Qantas, consuming capital investment and distracting strategic focus. International Strategy: Qantas ventured into Asia market after liberalization move that gave it a opportunity to create partnership between different investors (UKEssays, 2017). It gained competition in market with many start-up airline by holding majority share of Jetstar Asia, based in Singapore. Substantial population with large middle-class, increasing leisure activities and absence of competitive transport, helped in the constant growth of the industry in Asian markets. With the liberalization of bilateral services the market conditions in Asia improved, encouraging airlines to compete, improving the competitive condition and creating operational efficiencies. Qantas entry into Asian markets was very beneficial as it provided opportunities for revenue growth, increased market share and higher return profit due to increased scale of economy and lower salary cost in the Asian countries (Yimga 2017). To establish a strong hold in Asia, Qantas has leveraged its partnership, but should also make use for opp ortunities of acquisition and mergers in order to increase its above average returns. Qantas has many other alliances where they work together to deliver the same product. This strategy gave Qantas many opportunities to enter various markets with limited investment. Conclusion: The primary threat, which has been identified through this analysis, is the bargaining power of the suppliers. The main workforce of Quantas, which handles the operations, is unionized. Pay cuts and job reduction in the industry due to financial challenges have scared the unions. This has already resulted in strikes and loss of goodwill for the company. In order to operate successfully the company must establish a closer relation with the workforce and unions so that these events do not occur in the future. The division of the company into Qantas and Jetstar has led to confusion among the service users. Moreover, the customers are willing to use Jetstar more than Qantas because of lesser price offered by it resulting in the loss of brand value for Qantas itself. This concept has to be fixed by the company so that the value of its own premium airlines is not reduced. Qantas must keep up the good work and shift its focus on providing increased returns on the investments made by the shareholders along with increasing the profit margin of the company. The company through third parties provides travel insurance at present and in return, the company receives a very insignificant margin for referral. The company in this respect should either bargain with the third party providers or involve another service provider for the purpose of insurance in order to gain increased margin. References: Ellis, D., Global Airline Cooperation: Equity Stakes, Strategic Partnerships and Alliance Membership. In The 3rd International Aviation Management Conference 2016 (p. 63). Frhlich, K., Grimme, W., Hellmers, J., Holtz, M. and Nmeth, A., 2016. an assessment of the Success of Cross-border airline Mergers and acquisitions in europe. Liberalization in Aviation: Competition, Cooperation and Public Policy, p.197. Hill, C.W., Jones, G.R. and Schilling, M.A., 2014. Strategic management: theory: an integrated approach. Cengage Learning. King, J., 2016. european Liberalization: a view From afar. Liberalization in Aviation: Competition, Cooperation and Public Policy, p.371. Kumudha, A. and Bhunia, A., 2016. Customer relationship management and marketing practices in airlines industry-An empirical study. IJAR, 2(11), pp.39-43. Lafuente, E., Szerb, L. and Rideg, A., 2016. A System Dynamics Approach for Assessing Business Competitiveness. Milan Pintar E-Portfolio. (2017). Strategic Management Group report: Qantas case study analysis. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Feb. 2017]. Miqdadi, S. (2017). Qantas - Marketing Case Study. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Feb. 2017]. zman, M., 2017. Strategic Management of Innovation Networks. Cambridge University Press. (2017). Qantas Airways Ltd. - Company Profile, Information, Business Description, History, Background Information on Qantas Airways Ltd.. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Feb. 2017]. Saglietto, L., Competitiveness. Sarpong, M.M.D., Journal of Strategy and Management. Journal of Strategy and Management, 9(4), pp.511-526. Shukla, U.K., 2016. International Business-Competing in the global market place. St Theresa Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(2). Sollfelner, B.H., 2016. How various macroeconomic and financial risks influence corporate strategic decisions in the global airline industry. UKEssays. (2017). The Corporate Mission Of Qantas Group Management Essay. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Feb. 2017]. Yimga, J.O., 2017. Airline code-sharing and its effects on on-time performance. Journal of Air Transport Management, 58, pp.76-90.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Marketing Strategy Woolworths Limited

Question: Discuss about the Marketing Strategy for Woolworths Limited. Answer: Introduction Marketing Strategy is the plan which is made to achieve the marketing goals and objectives of a company (Hill, 2012). Strategies are carried out on the basis of market research. Marketing Tactics are the methods and steps that help to turn the strategies into real and they are the means to achieve marketing goals (Ekanem, 2016). The report prepares the description of the organisation, its mission statements and the industry to which it belongs. The report will also briefly discuss its products, the 5Cs of the organisation, what all research the organisation does in order to collect the information. Further, market strategy will be developed and therefore tactics to apply the strategies which include the 7Ps of marketing mix. Description of Organisation Woolworths Limited popularly known as Woolies started on 5th December 1924 in Sydney as a retail chain which provides everything to everyone all the good things on a cheap rate (Woolworths, 2017). The public company is listed on Australian Stock Exchange. It is the second largest retail chain across Australia and New Zealand. It is the largest liquor takeaway of Australia. The company is headquartered in Bella Vista in New South Wales, Australia. The major processes are of the supermarkets of brands Woolworths and Countdown in Australia and New Zealand respectively. The liquor market is operated under the brands named Dan Murphys and BWS in Australia. The discount stores serves under the brand name of Big W in Australia. The pubs and the hotel services with the poker machines for leisure served under the ALH Group. Slogan The Fresh Food People was changed to Fresh Food People with the change in the logo which was changed into all new dark green colour from that of the red colour in t he brand campaign of 2014 by the famous Leo Burnett as it goes with idea of the company to serve people with the best of the fresh food (Ward, 2014). The mission statement of the company is to serve value and quality to each territory and state of the country (Woolworths, 2017). The products which are offered by the company are much diversified as they are into food, clothing, financial services and home ware also they maintain their own supply chain network (Woolworths, 2016). The objectives and strategy of the company is shown in the picture given below The 5Cs of Organisation Company- This aspect discusses the strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities and threats of the company. The strengths are the variety of the businesses which the company deals in which diversifies the risks of the company and draws out good return for the company. One of the major strength of the company is the corporate social responsibilities in which they are concern for the environment, employees, customers and all those who play a part in the company. They possess a strong brand name as they are focusing on reducing the carbon emissions year after year and promoting the idea of zero food waste (Woolworths, 2016). The weakness of the company is that they are not so popular in comparison to its competitors like Aldi and Walmart. The reduction in the profits in the petrol business and increase in their operation costs because of large businesses (Woolworths, 2016). The opportunities for the company are the vast customer database which can be used for offering customised offer s and facilities. The threats to the company are the intense competition with other players in the same industry. The recession trends in the economy and also the government intervention with respect to the health diseases that occur because of the liquor business. Customers- The market segment of the company are the masses as they offer products and services which can be consumed by everyone and anyone. In addition, the company is constantly making efforts in order to bring in customisation for its customers. The typical behaviour of the customers and the company is same as they want to purchase value for cheap rates and the same is from the companys end as they want to offer quality goods which are budget friendly. Collaborators- Company has its own supply chain network which manages all the distribution and transportation activities of the company. Their very own distribution centres are responsible for supplying the goods to their stores. The reason behind their own supply chain management system is that it reduces costs and ensures the proper management of all the activities giving the best of quality. Competitors- The competitor within Australia is Coles which is owned by Wesfarmers. Another major player who is on its toes to eat up the market share of all the other players is Aldi which is a German discount retail chain who is acquiring market share and attracting customers globally. It has also launched its store in Melbourne, Australia. Lidl is another German based supermarket retail chain. Tesco based in UK can be another emerging player. Context- This part will explain the PESTEL of the company. The political aspect is that the Australian government is introducing policies to eliminate competition between the two major players of the market that are Woolworths and Coles. Basically, this step is taken up with the idea of encouraging new entrants in the industry. The economic aspect deals with the change in the Australian dollar taking place over the period of time which can affect a companys economic growth. The social aspect deals with the concern of the company for its employees, suppliers and customers. It depicts the change in the customers needs and preferences in relation to the consumption of the food products. The technological aspect will deal with the advancement of technology in relation to that of its competitors. The company will search for organic technology to maintain the environmental sustainability and also it will store the perishable goods for a longer period of time. The environmental aspect direc tly hits the liquor business of the company which leads to various health diseases. The legal aspect talks about the regulations that are set by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission violation of which can result in the costs and liabilities (Woolworths, 2016). Market Research The company collects information from the huge database of their customers. They do customisation for their customers from the data they have of the previous purchase history of the customers. Customers wants are very basic as they want value for their money. They want products which are affordable and of good quality. The major competitor to Woolworths is Aldi, Germany which is emerging as a strong player of the industry. Aldi is focused on to have a global presence. One of the competitors in Australia itself is Coles who is a threat to the company. The context of the company was purely the retail store but now the company is much into other businesses like fuel, logistics, financial services, hospitality, liquor etc. Therefore; so much diversification is also hindering the central aspect of the company i.e. the supermarket. In addition to this the companys fuel business is running into losses therefore; the companys profits of different sector are also getting influenced by the fue l business which is into losses. The company has collaborated with number of people in order to promote the sustainable living. This is done by joining hands with people who are world renowned so that customers also get influenced and therefore; it is beneficial for them and the society as well. The company shook hands with the famous songwriter Pharrell Williams who is a Grammy award winner and at the same time a philanthropist (Mail Guardian, 2015). South-African division of woollies is found to be one of the profitable entities. The company has chosen the best person to take the ideas of the sustainable projects of the company forward to people for their support. Another important collaboration of the company is said to be with its suppliers as they are the ones who improve the functioning of the company. The company especially being into the food business the role of the suppliers is significant because perishable goods are required to be delivered to the stores at the right ti me in order to reach out to the end users. In addition, the company promises quality to its customers therefore; the supply chain network has to be on its toes all the time. Collaboration with suppliers is important in order to achieve the sustainable goals of the company. Marketing Strategy The choice of the company for its target market is that they are shifting their business to consumer idea towards business to business (Williams, 2016). The reason behind the same is that they want to satisfy the needs of the businesses to buy foodstuffs. Grocery market in Australia is emerging at a rapid pace and the same the company wants to target by going for online expansion. Apart from this the company wants to change the perception of the brand from B2C. The company came up with idea as they found the need of their products and services at the business level. Businesses track different people for their needs of stationery, fruit and meat. Therefore; Woollies hit on the same need of the businesses so that they can get their fulfilments satisfied below one roof. Moreover, they are becoming more digital friendly so that businesses can save their time and money by just placing an order. The major advantage will be that they will become more renowned among the businesses as well. Value proposition refers to all the new, creative and innovative steps which are taken by the company to attract its customers (Osterwalder,, 2014). The value proposition of the company was its various campaigns. The companys advertising partner Leo Burnett created and ad campaign for their client which featured birds with a jingle of the Cheap Cheap campaign in which they cut down the prices of many necessities like bread which was brought to 85cents from $1 (Caroll, 2015). Another was Woolworths reward programs which convert their current customers into loyal customers. The motive behind the loyalty program is to collect more and more information by inducing customers through discounts and gifts in return. Apart from this the company is even more near to its customers as never before. The reward loyalty program has involved around 6.5 million loyal customers (Robin, 2013). One of the most innovative steps of the company is their African unit of their company it is all the mor e appreciated when they joined hands with the American philanthropist Pharrell Williams to spread issues like environment awareness. Also the company acquired David Jones which proved to be another milestone in companys financial success. As a result of this acquisition the share prices of Woollies increased by 25 per cent in the capital market (Chibelushi, 2016). Positioning refers to how the product is being perceived in the minds of the consumers. The statement is analysis of the target market, the value proposition and their benefits (Gospe, 2011). The companys positioning statement is to become the brand which is devoted to its customers wholly and solely. The company also strives to make strong relations with its customers. They also want to provide value against the money and time spent by their customers (WHL, 2011). Marketing Tactics Marketing Mix is the central role to be performed by the marketing professionals of the company. It includes the 4Ps of marketing which is extending according to the needs of the any organisation. The best suited combination which of the Ps can be studied or analysed by the company (Felicia, 2014). The marketing mix consists of product, price, place, promotion, people, processes and physical evidence. The product mix deals with the satisfaction of the customer needs and design the products accordingly. This depicts that how much potential the product has to fulfil the needs of the target market segment. The price which the company has adopted is the market penetration pricing to attain the maximum market share. The company sustaining into the industry with competitors should also adopt competitive pricing strategy in order to beat the intense competition. The place mix deals with where and with how much ease the customers can get the products they want. Therefore; the stores, distrib ution centres should be located at the places which are convenient from the consumer perspective. The supply and distribution network should be very good to reach out to customers as and when required. The promotion mix is related as to how the customers will come to know about the new offer, products and services of the company. So, the company should go for both the innovative and traditional mediums of marketing their company. They should also keep in mind that their target market should be easily tapped by their marketing efforts and strategies. They can go for marketing activities inside and outside their stores because this will fulfil both the objectives of retaining the existing customers and attracting new ones. The people mix aspect is related to the people who are working for you and also for whom the company is working i.e. the employees, suppliers and the customers. The company has to make efforts to keep all of them happy and contended. The process mix aspect is for the procedure and policies that are followed by the company in order to give the best to its customers. The processes should be such that it moves in a flowing manner from manufacturing to reaching to the end user without any hurdle in between. In addition, if any hurdle occurs also then their back up plans should be very effective. The physical distribution is related to the tangible things which the company offers. Hence, company dealing in products they should take care of the packaging and quality of the products which will bring back their customers to them in turn of the experience which the company will provide. Therefore; the marketing mix will help to analyse the companys performance and accomplishment of its market ing objectives. Conclusion From the above report it can be concluded that the company is following various marketing strategies and tactics but in order to survive in the industry they have to constantly strive for implementing new and creative ideas in their business and marketing plans which will result into the value addition of the companys brand value. Companys different promotional techniques have given them a competitive edge in comparison to its competitors. The quality products at cheap prices have made them a brand name in Australia. All the recommendations given to the company will ensure the future growth and success of the company. Target market of the businesses will give the company and edge to become the leader of their industry as they will be recognised by the not only their customers but also the business customers as well. References Caroll, L., 2015, Woolies new value proposition - supermarket axes Cheap Cheap, viewed 30 January 2017, from Chibelushi, W., 2016, Woolworths South Africa: the art of innovation, viewed 30 January 2017, from Ekanem, A., 2016, Marketing Tactics That Sell: Some Dirty Tricks, Lulu Press, Inc. Felicia, S., 2014, The Marketing Mix Optimization. Annals-Economy Series, 1, pp.253-257. Gospe Jr, J.M., 2011, What is a positioning statement. An excerpt). The Marketing High Ground: The Essential Playbook for B2B Marketing Practitioners Everywhere, CreateSpace. Hill, M, E., 2012, Marketing Strategy: The Thinking Involved, Sage Publications, London, UK. Mail Guardian, 2015, Pharrell Williams collaborating with Woolworths, viewed 30 January 2017, from Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., Bernarda, G. and Smith, A., 2014, Value proposition design: How to create products and services customers want, John Wiley Sons. Robin, M., 2013, Why loyalty cards are Woolworths secret weapon in supermarket wars, viewed 30 January 2017, from Ward, M, 2014, Woolworths brings back Fresh Food People positioning in first brand campaign from Leo Burnett, viewed 29 January 2017, from WHL, 2011., Our Customers, viewed 30 January 2017, from Williams, A, 2016, How Woolworths reinvented its B2C model to meet the B2B market, viewed 30 January 2017, from Woolworths Group, 2016, Corporate Responsibility Report for the year 2016, viewed 29 January 2017, from Woolworths Group, 2017, Our Brands, viewed 29 January 2017, from Woolworths Group, 2017, Strategy and objectives, viewed 29 January 2017, from Woolworths Group, 2017, The Woolworths Story, viewed 29 January 2017, from Woolworths Limited, 2016, Woolworths Annual Report for the year 2016, viewed 29 January 2017, from Woolworths, 2016, Working For Woolworths, viewed 29 January 2017, from